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Order no: 10117672
Publication: Payson Roundup
Start Date: 02/21/2025
Expires: 02/28/2025
19355 2/21, 2/28/25 GILA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR SEALED PROPOSALS NO. 02112025 TITLE: PAYSON OBSERVATORY CONSTRUCTION Notice is hereby given that Gila County is requesting proposals from qualified Contractors to construct the Gila County Community College Payson Campus Observatory located at 201 N. Mud Springs Road, Payson, Arizona 85541. SUBMITTAL DUE DATE: DATE: March 31, 2025, at 1:00 PM (Local Arizona Time) RETURN PROPOSAL TO: MARY SPRINGER mary.springer@gilaccc.org NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed competitive proposals for the material or services as specified will be received by the Gila County Community College District, until the time and date cited. Proposals received by the correct time and date will be opened and recorded. Any proposals received later than the date and time specified above will be returned unopened. Late proposals shall not be considered. All proposals shall be made on the request for sealed proposals forms included in this RFP No. 02112025 package and shall include all applicable taxes. Interested bidders may obtain a copy of this solicitation by visiting the Gila Community College website at http://www.gilaccc.org and downloading the file. Bidders are strongly encouraged to carefully read the entire request for proposal. Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals shall be submitted in writing and directed to: Mary Springer at mary.springer@gilaccc.org. The College District Governing Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to accept any proposal, or to waive any informality in any proposal, or to withhold the award if deemed in the best interest of Gila County Community College District. Dates advertised in the Payson Roundup: 2/21/25, 2/28/25, Arizona Silver Belt 2/19/25, 2/26/25.
